November 2021

I find it hard to believe that we're wrapping up November with just 2 weeks left in the semester. After the last couple of modules, I definitely feel like I've started to put together all the material across these different systems and developed a much greater understanding of pharmacology and physiology than I had before the start of the program with more than half to go, so I would characterize it a resounding success for me so far. Learning opportunities like the sim exercise and CBLs make the material much more immediately relevant and applicable, which has not just been helpful to my understanding but gives me a better idea of how all of the knowledge comes together in a clinical setting. For me personally, an opportunity like the sim session was exciting and let me take a glimpse into what both medical school and a career in medicine will be like, and I'll be looking forward to any more sessions that we get. 

As far as our community service, I unfortunately wasn't able to make the scheduling work out with coming home for Thanksgiving and work, but I'll finally be able to dedicate some to time to service in December. I have been specifically looking for opportunities for volunteer interpreting. I have previous service learning experience at volunteer clinical interpreting at a Hispanic clinic in Nashville alongside specific coursework in Spanish for medical professionals, and have had extensive exposure during my family's own healthcare business operating in Miami with Spanish often as the first language. I have been able to find volunteer interpreter opportunities through CCANO but I still hope to find some clinical opportunities at some point. 


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